Maclura pomifera Lectin (MPL/MPA) - Biotinylated

Maclura pomifera Lectin (MPL/MPA) - Biotinylated

Price: Regular price $249.00

SKU#: 21510086-1

Product Description

Biotin is a small molecule involved in a wide range of metabolic processes. This ligand forms a complex with Avidin and Streptavidin, resulting in the strongest non-covalent protein-ligand interaction known. Biotinylated Maclura pomifera Lectin (MPL/MPA) has an appropriate amount of biotin bound to provide optimum detection characteristics when using an Avidin-HRP or Streptavidin-HRP conjugate. Biotinylated lectins allow for more sensitive detection in ELISA and Western-blotting applications.

Technical Specifications

Abbreviation: MPL/MPA
Material Source:: Osage orange
Conjugate:: Biotinyl N- Hydroxysuccinimide Ester (Biotin)
Concentration:: 2 mg/mL
Purity:: High Purity Grade
Shelf Life:: 1 year
Blood Group Specificity:: Non-specific
Preferred Sugar Specificity:: Galβ3GalNAc
Inhibiting or Eluting Sugar:: Galactose
Divalent Ions:: None Required
Mitogenic Activity:: Yes
Lyophilized or Liquid: Liquid
Storage Temperature:: -20°C
Hazardous Shipping:: Non-hazardous



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